Tag - entrepreneurship

Interview International Women´s Day

Lotta Spjut is a dynamic entrepreneur, Pro Executive Business coach, and advisor. She is also an educator and a health, fitness, and nutrition Developer - All rolled into one! With a passion for education, Lotta has graced the TEDx stage and other public forums with...

How To Turn Uncertainty Into Success

How To Turn Uncertainty Into Success - Get What Most People Want and Only 5% have In this article, Lotta asks if You Are Willing to Do what 95% of the people are not ready to Do, for being able to get what most people want...

How To Get more Things Done…

Have You ever felt that You wanted more hours in a day? If so, this article is for You. The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. — Albert Einstein Everyone has the same amount of hours- 168 h/week First, no matter how...

Either You Run The Day or…

Either You Run The Day, Or The Day Is Running You! Be Proactive and You Are In charge! A few weeks ago, I was part of a Global Online Event with many million viewers and the theme was “Going from Reactive to Proactive”. I find this...